Epoch 1 payouts have been sent
8 blocks have been produced this epoch.
All assigned slots for epoch 1 lead to a cannonical Block !!
While this is mainly luck, it puts my validator once again on top of block producers performance this epoch !
If you don't believe me use my BP performance tool to compare with other validators !
Put your public address in the dedicated fields and compare with top validators found on minascan :
Click on the links below to compare to Mina top block producers
Minascan - B62qqV16g8s744GHM6Dph1uhW4fggYwyvtDnVSoRUyYqNvTir3Rqqzx
Compare with minascan -
MinaExplorer - B62qpge4uMq4Vv5Rvc8Gw9qSquUYd6xoW1pz7HQkMSHm6h1o7pvLPAN
Compare with MinaExplorer -
Auro Wallet - B62qq3TQ8AP7MFYPVtMx5tZGF3kWLJukfwG1A1RGvaBW1jfTPTkDBW6
Compare with Auro Wallet -
InfStones - B62qopHVr6nGCsQgrvsBsoxDm1E5CEdMkDSN3jneRnxKpR5iiXnTbas
Compare with InfStones -
Piconbello - B62qrQiw9JhUumq457sMxicgQ94Z1WD9JChzJu19kBE8Szb5T8tcUAC
Compare with Piconbello -
Carbonara 🍝- WeStake.club⚡️ - B62qq6ZYPG5JsjZnGJ3pADmRn6hU6qy13EhraTSymjSgyEDwoDR9Gd6
Compare with Carbonara
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